Saturday, April 4, 2009

Ed Levin Trip

This morning near 10AM in the Spring Valley unit of Ed Levin park in the
equestrian staging area.
Theresa McGovern and I had 4 Bullocks Orioles in the flowering red bud
eucalyptus tree feeding.
This tree was very poplar through the morning.
It appears to be a major food source for many Yellow-rumped Warblers,
Red-shafted Flickers up to 3 at a time.
Red-winged Blackbirds, Nuttall Woodpeckers, Acorn Wood peckers, Anna's and
a single Rufous Humming birds.
Near 11 AM a Sharp-shinned Hawk took over the tree for what seemed like a
minute, allowing for a good study period.
Barn, Tree, Northern Rough-winged Swallows were all present along with
Western Blue Birds + Song and White-crowned Sparrows.
Looking up slope southwest from the equestrian area past the Blue Bird nest
boxes a fly by Lazuli Bunting made an appearance.
Looking up we had six Red-tailed Hawks and a single Golden Eagle.
On the way out we stopped by the Flag Pole and parked.
Across from the parking area we watched and listened to a Pacific-slope
Flycatcher for maybe an half hour.
Near the wooden fence and iron gate road side there were two Bewick's Wrens
carrying nest materials and being very quiet.
Another two Bullocks Orioles appeared also.

Richard Cimino
Pleasanton, Alameda County

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