Friday, November 27, 2009

Santa Fe - Audubon Center

Location: Randall Davey Audubon Center
Observation date: 8/22/09
Notes: Wow, we hit the ranch just right at 7:30AM. It was cool maybe mid50's. clear sky. Pine Siskins and Hummingbirds were all over the feeders.
Soon after we started up the Bear Valley trail a Vaux's Swift flew by never to return. Ten minutes up the trail we spotted Chipping Sparrows. With the sparrow's was the first of two Black and White Warbler's we tracked the warbler for 15 minutes. Then I heard the Pinyon Jays, then the Townsend Warbler was spotted on a tall pine tree. A Grace's Warbler pushed off the high spot on the pine. The Willow Flycatcher (SP?) was in the dieing fruit tree Orchard. Quail were calling all over the mountain. The second of the Black and White Warbler's was found near the bottom of the trail near the back of the nature center near the water channel. It was great birding, cool, fast and with many different species popping up.

Number of species: 36

Gambel's Quail X
Eurasian Collared-Dove 3
White-winged Dove 5
Great Horned Owl 1
Vaux's Swift 1
Black-chinned Hummingbird 1
Broad-tailed Hummingbird 15
Rufous Hummingbird 9
Willow Flycatcher X
Cordilleran Flycatcher 1
Plumbeous Vireo 1
Steller's Jay 2
Pinyon Jay 27
Common Raven 1
Tree Swallow 3
Black-capped Chickadee 2
Bushtit 14
Pygmy Nuthatch 1
Western Bluebird 5
Mountain Bluebird 2
Townsend's Solitaire 1
American Robin 2
Northern Mockingbird 1
Grace's Warbler 1
Black-and-white Warbler 2
Spotted Towhee 2
Canyon Towhee 2
Chipping Sparrow 5
Dark-eyed Junco (Red-backed) 1
Black-headed Grosbeak 1
Cassin's Finch 3
House Finch 20
Pine Siskin 50
Lesser Goldfinch 30
American Goldfinch 2
House Sparrow 5

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